Grammar Latin A

In this introductory Latin course, grammar school students embark on the adventure of learning Latin and discover how fun it can be. Not only do these young students begin to […]

Section: Languages   |   School: Grammar School

Grammar Latin B

In Grammar Level Latin B, students continue their Latin adventure, focusing on parsing verbs, nouns and adjectives as well as labeling the parts of speech in a Latin sentence. While […]

Section: Languages   |   School: Grammar School

Grammar Latin C

This final Latin primer course for grammar school students prepares students for Secondary Latin 1. Students apply all that they have learned in grammar-stage Latin to successfully label and translate […]

Section: Languages   |   School: Grammar School

Fundamentals of Latin

Fundamentals of Latin is a transitional class which introduces students with little or no Latin background to the basics of Latin grammar and ancient Roman culture. Designed to ease the […]

Section: Languages   |   School: Grammar School

Latin 1

Latin is alive and lively in Latin 1! Students explore how an inflected language works while developing translation skills and exploring Roman culture. The ancient Romans and their practices come […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Logic, School of Rhetoric

Latin 2

Building upon the foundation of Latin 1, students in Latin 2 review the basics of Latin grammar and proceed to more complex grammatical constructions. Students refine their translation skills by […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Logic, School of Rhetoric

Latin 3 (H)

Latin 3 students complete their study of Latin grammar, which is an impressive accomplishment! They also begin to examine different types of Latin poetry, including Catullus, Virgil and Ovid, learning […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Rhetoric

AP Latin

Advanced Placement® Latin is a rigorous, college-level course designed for students who intend to take the Latin Advanced Placement® exam. Students follow a College Board-approved syllabus as they study the […]

Section: AP Courses, Languages   |   School: School of Rhetoric

Greek 1 (H)

Greek 1 introduces students to the Ancient Greek language, which encompasses that of Biblical (Koine) Greek, and simultaneously explores Greek culture in the 4th and 5th centuries B.C. Students learn […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Rhetoric

Greek Readings (H)

Students in Greek Readings pursue reading proficiency and improve their grammar through prose composition exercises. Half of the readings include selections from classical authors such as Herodotus, Aesop and Homer, […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Rhetoric

Spanish 1

Spanish 1 students focus on mastering the grammar and vocabulary necessary to establish a firm foundation on which to build. They explore the history, geography and culture of the Spanish-speaking […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Logic, School of Rhetoric

Spanish 2

In this intermediate Spanish course, students build on the grammar foundation established in Spanish 1. They focus on the logical and analytical aspects of effective communication and proper use of […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Logic, School of Rhetoric

Spanish 3

In this advanced Spanish course, students develop a more natural rhetorical grasp of the language. They enjoy a variety of ongoing opportunities to practice the communication skills learned in Spanish […]

Section: Languages   |   School: School of Rhetoric