Life After WHA: Meet Our Alumni, Part 2 

23 Jul 2024

Last month, we published a blog post about life after attending Wilson Hill Academy. In that post, we shared reflections from Wilson Hill graduates on the impact of a classical education rooted in Scripture. It is evident from their experiences that our students leave Wilson Hill with a love of what is beautiful, good and true. The disciplines they learn as they study God’s word, read classical texts and learn about our world through the

Life After WHA: Meet Our Alumni 

11 Jun 2024

What are students being trained to love—and to what end?  When we addressed that question (and the merits of a classical Christian education) in a previous blog post, we concluded that Wilson Hill students are trained to love what is beautiful, good and true—absolutes rooted in the triune God of Scripture. Above all, we want to raise up men and women who live fruitful lives in the service of the Kingdom of Christ. The unique

Why We Returned to Wilson Hill After a Brick and Mortar 

15 May 2024

Is my child missing out by attending a virtual school?  After sending her three older children to Wilson Hill, Allyson Alden never thought she would be asking that question.  She first learned about Wilson Hill when her oldest was a senior in high school. With a busy schedule and children in 12th, 10th, 8th, 5th and 1st grade, Allyson didn’t feel equipped to teach all of her children.  Wilson Hill felt like the perfect solution

Chickens in Church

9 Jun 2016

The following is an open letter from Scott Baker, WHA Rhetoric Instructor, to his students in the Rhetoric 2/Senior Thesis class this year. Dear Seniors: Congratulations on a great year completing the Senior Thesis process!  Now that you have survived the Defense and have completed your Final Draft, it’s time to celebrate.  Everyone in the WHA community is suitably proud of your achievement, especially since writing and defending a thesis is such a rare accomplishment

Your State – A Student & Parent Review

From a Parent: Kim Willems My son Jackson and I enjoyed the "Your State" class so much! We spent time visiting as many places as we could. The class was organized in such a way that we were able to explore every aspect of Montana history. My own love for the state and interest in its history was reignited as we studied and traveled around Montana. We turned every weekend basketball trip into an opportunity

Alumna Spotlight

Abby Holland was the first valedictorian of Wilson Hill Academy and is currently pursuing a Classics major and Spanish minor at the University of Alabama. Here I was at a state university of 37,000 people in a junior level Latin class as a freshman. Needless to say, I was a little overwhelmed and definitely unsure of my ability to thrive in a Latin class composed primarily of juniors and seniors. But, after a couple classes, I