Wilson Hill Academy Earns AdvancED Accreditation

Wilson Hill Academy is pleased to announce that we have earned accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), an accreditation division of AdvancED. SACS CASI provides nationally-recognized accreditation, the purpose of which is continuous school improvement focused on increasing student performance.  To earn accreditation, schools must meet SACS CASI’s high standards, be evaluated by a team of professionals from outside the school and implement a

AP Results Are In

Wilson Hill Academy is proud of our AP® students who took AP Exams in May. Overall we had 29 enrolled in AP classes (Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, and Latin). The students and teachers who pioneered these courses at WHA deserve a special round of applause for their efforts and results: Class Instructor Tested/Total    5’s    4’s    3’s Biology Owens, M      8 of 13    0    3    2 Calculus Stublen, A

National Classical Exam Awards

Wilson Hill Academy is pleased to announce the names of students who achieved honors on the 2014-15 National Classical Exams. Fifteen Wilson Hill Academy students earned honors on the National Latin Exam (NLE), six on the National Mythology Exam (NME), and a whopping twenty-three on the brand new National Latin Vocabulary Exam (NLVE). A special shoutout belongs to Grace Oliver who earned the Latin Exam Trifecta, medaling on the NLE, NCVE, and NME, earning a