Summer Reading

22 Jul 2015

Several years ago I read a book by Ken Hughes called Disciplines of a Godly Man. The main theme of the book deals with imitating older, wiser men and their godly habits. One such habit he discusses is reading. Hughes challenged me to think more deeply about what I read, and at the end of the book he listed several well-known leaders in the church, and he included a list of their favorite books. Knowing

Is Summer School for Me?

29 Apr 2015

In today's world, there is an ever-greater pressure for more. We see it in youth sports programs, a growing move toward year-round schooling, college entrance exam prep programs and everything in between. As a Classical Christian school seeking to prepare students for college and beyond, this is not a topic that we can afford to avoid. What should be our approach to offering summer school classes?  There are always more great books to read, more