Why Study a Language No One Speaks?

a young girl participating in a Wilson Hill online class9 May 2022

Sometimes students (and parents!) wonder about the benefits of learning classical languages like Latin. Yet we have seen families experience tremendous value in studying this ancient language at Wilson Hill.  From practical benefits like boosting SAT scores to enriching experiences such as reading ancient texts in their original language, the study of Latin equips students for success. For even more benefits, I asked a few of our Wilson Hill Latin teachers to share four reasons

Wilson Hill Academy 2019 Commencement Address

11 Jun 2019

Thank you, Mr. Etter, for that generous introduction and for this enormous privilege of addressing the Class of 2019. Reflecting on these last few days together, my heart almost bursts with the joy of seeing you, my students, talking to your families, and meeting face-to-face with my colleagues and friends. Over 500 like-minded people, gathering together with a common love for our Lord and for learning, joining in a pursuit of the good, the true,

Latin for Life

Gwynne’s Latin is a fairly new Latin textbook, written by British grammarian N. M. Gwynne. A little book with a cheerful yellow cover, it is small enough to fit inside my purse, which is a good thing since it is a real page-turner and I don’t like to leave home without it. I hope you do not think I am strange for reading a Latin textbook for fun – I am, after all, a Latin

National Classical Exam Awards

Wilson Hill Academy is pleased to announce the names of students who achieved honors on the 2014-15 National Classical Exams. Fifteen Wilson Hill Academy students earned honors on the National Latin Exam (NLE), six on the National Mythology Exam (NME), and a whopping twenty-three on the brand new National Latin Vocabulary Exam (NLVE). A special shoutout belongs to Grace Oliver who earned the Latin Exam Trifecta, medaling on the NLE, NCVE, and NME, earning a

Latin for All Ages

Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter26 Mar 2015

Late-17th-century illustration of a passage from the Georgics by Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter Weekly vocabulary lists, practice sentences, and yet another paradigm are the constant companions of the Latin student. And when you start Latin in third grade, this goes on for years. As a Latin teacher now, I love this idea! Spending years helping students master Latin grammar is my idea of fun. Looking back to when I was a Latin student, though, my devotion to