The Parable of the Amaryllis

29 Dec 2021

Hello. My name is Rachel, and I kill plants. I’m serious—plant-killing might be a certifiable hobby at this point. No plant has lasted in my house for more than about a month. This might sound strange coming from a science teacher, but I’m much more comfortable with chemicals in vials than in caring for living things. A few weeks ago, I decided to try my luck again and bought an amaryllis bulb on a shopping

New to Online Learning? Five tips from our parents

homeschooling family21 Sep 2020

What does it take to excel in online learning? We recently sat down with some of our veteran parents and teachers via Zoom and asked them for some practical advice. Home-based online education is an exciting adventure with its fair share of highs and lows. Here are five tips that we hope will help your family experience a smooth transition to online learning. Come alongside your children as they learn from new teachers If this

A Most Precious and Unexpected Gift

10 Dec 2019

I remember the moment clearly, now several years past, when I clicked the “Buy now” button to secure my 7th grade son’s first seat in an online classroom. I was instantly fearful. I’d just spent a lot of money on what might be a total dud. A real teacher was going to teach my child “in-real-life” through the computer? How was that supposed to work? What if the teacher was boring, incompetent or unorganized? Was