10 Reasons to Study French

6 Jul 2023

Recently, we had the privilege to sit down with Wilson Hill French teacher, Sarah Soundron, to hear about her lifelong love of French and her eagerness to share her love for the language with her students. Sarah started speaking French when she was just ten years old. She said her mother, who studied French literature in college, taught her simple French phrases: “I think she just wanted to bring me into her French world a

2023 Graduates: Your Final Purpose Is Not Self-Realization

High school graduates from Wilson Hill Academy at LINK 202322 Jun 2023

On June 3, Dr. Vierra delivered the commencement address at LINK 2023. Please enjoy his words of encouragement to our graduates here: Graduates, before I share my words of exhortation, I want to begin with a word of gratitude. I want to thank you for giving me the gift of this past school year. I have taught so many of you, and as I look at you now, I see precious men and women that

How To Prepare Your Children for Modern Literature in College

Photo of modern literature and other books at Rijksmuseum Library in Amsterdam.18 Apr 2023

What will shape your children’s worldview in college? Many universities are hostile towards a Christian understanding of literature. Liberal arts colleges often require students to take one or more literature courses to meet the core requirement. So when your sons or daughters step into their first literature course on campus, will they be prepared to “give a defense to everyone who asks the reason for the hope that is in ” as 1 Peter 3:5

Building the Bonds of Friendship at LINK 2023

28 Feb 2023

“How do students and their families get to know each other in a virtual  school?” This is a frequently-asked question as parents consider enrolling a student at Wilson Hill Academy.  It is not long after school starts that students begin making new friends or reconnecting with their classmates from previous years. These friendships are strengthened each year as teachers, students and their families gather for LINK—Wilson Hill’s ultimate family camp and commencement celebration. LINK provides